How is it that we are already less than 2 weeks from Christmas? I am just amazed how quickly time has flown. I feel like I was just planning our wedding and now we've been married for over two months! So much has changed in the last six months and it will continue to in the time to come!
I have always loved the holidays (as in all Holidays, I'm not replacing Christmas with Holiday) but the last few years I have found my self liking them less and less. I finally have figured out why. I feel like holidays are almost romanticized and they are expected to be perfect. Well... life happens and its not always perfect. Everyone has a different holiday time planned out in their mind and they don't always mesh perfectly. So because of this realization I am determined to fall back in love with the Holidays but in a different way. I am going to work to enjoy every bit of Christmas and New Years no matter what is going on.
Christmas will be spent with the Wescoats and that is going to be fun. I'm really blessed to love Chris's family so much because it sure does make sharing holidays a lot easier! And then I'll have a few days off at home before my family comes to our house to celebrate Christmas before we head down to Seneca to celebrate the New Year with my Dad's family.
I had big ambitions for doing a lot of homemade Christmas gifts this year and well, that hasn't happened yet. Hopefully, I'll manage to get a few done in the next couple weeks. Pinterest has given me so many ideas but I'm just not following through and actually making them.
Although it will be a little bit late to be getting crafty gifts done I am hoping to use a few of my days at home crafting. I really only have three days that will be at home just me so I'll have to take advantage of it. I remember as a child thinking that Christmas break lasted forever! Well, now that its not just waiting for Christmas to open gifts and spend the rest of the time playing with them it sure does go faster!
My third goal is to relax! Which I don't think will be a problem at all!
Hope you are preparing for a nice, relaxing time to celebrate Christ's birth with family and friends!
Be a blessing to someone today and throughout the Christmas season!
simple post
seeing: snow on the ground. Just a bit but it sure is beautiful!
hearing: Christmas music in the hallways. I'm so glad that we have this going for the next few weeks
tasting: not much, but I did eat school lunch today so a piece of chocolate would be nice.
feeling: anxious and excited
reading: not much. Hoping to cuddle up with a good book soon!
loving: this time of year. I love the time between Thanksgiving and New Year. :)
anticipating: Winter Break! I am loving my job but I'll be loving a break too!
making: a few painting projects when I feel up to it at night
Be a blessing! :)
where did the weekend go?
Where did Monday come from? This was an absolutely wonderful weekend but it sure could have lasted a bit longer! However, I only have to work today and tomorrow and I'm home free for five days! Praise the Lord!
Friday evening I got to hang out with two sweet friends and one of my favorite little boys. We just had dinner and sat around and talked but it sure was nice! Moving away from my family was very difficult and not exactly having friends down here was even harder. When I moved though I was really blessed to jump right in to Chris's group of friends. We always have a wonderful time when we're together!
Saturday morning was a nice relaxing morning and that afternoon I got to go horseback riding with a friend from work. We went to Busiek State Park and it was so wonderful! I grew up riding some at my aunt and uncles ranch which I have always LOVED so it was nice to get back on and ride for an afternoon. There are a few trails at Busiek so that was a nice change of pace and made for a relaxing afternoon too.
After I got back from riding I stopped at the store to do some grocery shopping and just took my time since my hubby had been at deer camp and was supposed to be home Sunday afternoon. So after taking my time shopping and moseying on home I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me! My husband! He came home a day early and we got to relax for the rest of the evening! Wonderful.
Most of yesterday was spent in the woods trying to find me a deer but I was unsuccessful yet again... I'm not ready to give up but I sure would be more enthused if I shot one already!
I am super excited for tonight though. Those same friends that Chris so willingly shared with me are coming over for a Thanksgiving dinner. I love having people over to our simple little home. And then to add turkey and all the fixin's, yes please! I am a little nervous though because I have never fixed a turkey, honestly, I've never even paid attention to anyone else fixing a turkey. Chris helped me last night to prep the turkey and get it ready so time will tell how well we did!
I am SO looking forward to Thanksgiving with my family too. Chris and I are going to my grandparents house to do Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family. We always have a good time when we're together and I'm sure this time wont be any different. I get to spend a couple extra days with my family at my parents house too so that will be great! I am so blessed by the family I have and the way they raised me and now I'm blessed doubly to have married in to another wonderful family. It sure will make sharing holidays a whole lot less stressful!
I also am making some big decisions about my future so I'll have to share about that sometime soon!
How was your weekend? Any special plans from Thanksgiving? I love reading comments!
Don't forget to tell your friends about the blog too!
Stay tuned to hear about the Turkey adventures! And feel free to say a little prayer that I dont ruin it! :)
Be a blessing to someone today!
Friday evening I got to hang out with two sweet friends and one of my favorite little boys. We just had dinner and sat around and talked but it sure was nice! Moving away from my family was very difficult and not exactly having friends down here was even harder. When I moved though I was really blessed to jump right in to Chris's group of friends. We always have a wonderful time when we're together!
Saturday morning was a nice relaxing morning and that afternoon I got to go horseback riding with a friend from work. We went to Busiek State Park and it was so wonderful! I grew up riding some at my aunt and uncles ranch which I have always LOVED so it was nice to get back on and ride for an afternoon. There are a few trails at Busiek so that was a nice change of pace and made for a relaxing afternoon too.
After I got back from riding I stopped at the store to do some grocery shopping and just took my time since my hubby had been at deer camp and was supposed to be home Sunday afternoon. So after taking my time shopping and moseying on home I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me! My husband! He came home a day early and we got to relax for the rest of the evening! Wonderful.
Most of yesterday was spent in the woods trying to find me a deer but I was unsuccessful yet again... I'm not ready to give up but I sure would be more enthused if I shot one already!
I am super excited for tonight though. Those same friends that Chris so willingly shared with me are coming over for a Thanksgiving dinner. I love having people over to our simple little home. And then to add turkey and all the fixin's, yes please! I am a little nervous though because I have never fixed a turkey, honestly, I've never even paid attention to anyone else fixing a turkey. Chris helped me last night to prep the turkey and get it ready so time will tell how well we did!
I am SO looking forward to Thanksgiving with my family too. Chris and I are going to my grandparents house to do Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family. We always have a good time when we're together and I'm sure this time wont be any different. I get to spend a couple extra days with my family at my parents house too so that will be great! I am so blessed by the family I have and the way they raised me and now I'm blessed doubly to have married in to another wonderful family. It sure will make sharing holidays a whole lot less stressful!
I also am making some big decisions about my future so I'll have to share about that sometime soon!
How was your weekend? Any special plans from Thanksgiving? I love reading comments!
Don't forget to tell your friends about the blog too!
Stay tuned to hear about the Turkey adventures! And feel free to say a little prayer that I dont ruin it! :)
Be a blessing to someone today!
opening weekend.
Well, I said I'd update on the hunting adventures from opening weekend and I'm sad to say that I did not shoot a deer. Although, my sweet husband did kill a nine point buck and I'm so proud of him!
I think I mentioned last time that I have been hunting with Chris a few times but this was my first time actually planning on shooting something other than a target. I enjoy going with him but I could not believe how much fun it was to actually hunt! Wow! It was a blast! Spending two days basically alone with Chris might have something to do with it but sneaking around holding a weapon is pretty fun too! I wont be able to go again until after Thanksgiving for antlerless season but I'm already looking forward to it!
I actually got an extra day with them that I wasn't expecting but the reasons weren't great. I noticed a couple of bug bite looking spots last Monday and throughout the week they continued to grow and grow and grow... by Friday I was pretty concerned and went to the doctor before we hit the woods for a couple of days. That appointment was now fun since there were shots, cutting, and squeezing going on. Turns out it was a infection called MRSA which is a form of staph. Ick! Luckily, they have drained almost completely and seem to be doing well thanks to some antibiotics!
I think I mentioned last time that I have been hunting with Chris a few times but this was my first time actually planning on shooting something other than a target. I enjoy going with him but I could not believe how much fun it was to actually hunt! Wow! It was a blast! Spending two days basically alone with Chris might have something to do with it but sneaking around holding a weapon is pretty fun too! I wont be able to go again until after Thanksgiving for antlerless season but I'm already looking forward to it!
YAY! Deer meat! |
It has been so great having Chris's mom and sister here for a few days! They had to head out today and I'm sad to see them go! It was really fun to have some company at our home and spending the time with them was fantastic!
I actually got an extra day with them that I wasn't expecting but the reasons weren't great. I noticed a couple of bug bite looking spots last Monday and throughout the week they continued to grow and grow and grow... by Friday I was pretty concerned and went to the doctor before we hit the woods for a couple of days. That appointment was now fun since there were shots, cutting, and squeezing going on. Turns out it was a infection called MRSA which is a form of staph. Ick! Luckily, they have drained almost completely and seem to be doing well thanks to some antibiotics!
This was at 3:30 am when we were getting ready to leave for hunting. She was not thrilled about being awake! |
Just had to show this! She's getting huge! |
sweet husband.
I am very thankful for my husband. I know that we'll spend the rest of our lives figuring out marriage and all that it entails but he sure is doing a good job of it so far. I have been a little (lot) on the stressed side lately and there has been a couple times lately where I got pretty emotional but Chris has been such a comforter and encourager that it helps so much. I'm realizing something lately the way we handle stress and emotions is so opposite that I feel like we balance each other. I definitely need some balance in that area!
Chris especially made me feel loved last night when he knew I was stressed and emotional so he put in the movie from the first night we ever hung out, "Walk The Line." It was during that movie that he kissed me for the first time. It was so nice to just cuddle up and enjoy the movie that brings back so many sweet memories.
My sweet husband is such a blessing to me. I'm sometimes overwhelmed by the exciting thought of spending the rest of my life with him. I remember it seeming so surreal when he first proposed to me and truly seemed like a fairy tale but now I'm living out a fairy tale and its just perfect.
Chris especially made me feel loved last night when he knew I was stressed and emotional so he put in the movie from the first night we ever hung out, "Walk The Line." It was during that movie that he kissed me for the first time. It was so nice to just cuddle up and enjoy the movie that brings back so many sweet memories.
My sweet husband is such a blessing to me. I'm sometimes overwhelmed by the exciting thought of spending the rest of my life with him. I remember it seeming so surreal when he first proposed to me and truly seemed like a fairy tale but now I'm living out a fairy tale and its just perfect.
Be a Blessing!Love knows no limit to its endurance
no end to its trust,
Love still stands
when all else has fallen.
1 Corinthians 13:7-8
Oh Wednesday.
Yesterday was such a wonderful day at home. It was a personal development day for certified staff in the school district so I was at home! I did laundry, dishes, more laundry and made lunch and dinner for my sweet husband. It was cold and rainy day so I was even more happy to just stay home. I think Dakota enjoyed having the day out of her kennel as well. My amazing in-laws bought us a washing machine that we got this weekend so I'm finally catching up on laundry that has needed to be done for quite some time. Its funny how much easier it is to get done when the laundry room is only down the hall way rather than going to a laundromat or friends house. I still have a lot more to do to get our house in order but its coming together. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are coming for a few days next week so I'm trying to get our house looking a little more like a home! I'm very excited to have company though! My family has been here and Chris's dad has but its all been for over night and not much time to hang out or visit.
I'm excited for the rest of this week too though! I'm going hunting! Yep, not just going with Chris but I'm actually taking a gun! I'll make sure to report back on that!! I'm SO very excited!
I'm thinking Dakota and I need to go out and take some pictures after work today. We're having leftovers for dinner so I'll have some extra time. I'll try to post tomorrow!
Be a blessing!
I'm excited for the rest of this week too though! I'm going hunting! Yep, not just going with Chris but I'm actually taking a gun! I'll make sure to report back on that!! I'm SO very excited!
I'm thinking Dakota and I need to go out and take some pictures after work today. We're having leftovers for dinner so I'll have some extra time. I'll try to post tomorrow!
Be a blessing!
where has time gone.
Wow! It sure has been awhile! And in my defense, I've been kinda busy! :) I am a married woman! Yup, that's right, you are reading the first post from Mrs. Kayla Wescoat!
Our wedding was fabulous! Seriously, absolutely perfect! Everything went so well and I have been told by many that it was a fun time for everyone! I had a blast and remained very stress free! Maybe a little to much so at times! I was continually reminded throughout the days leading up to the wedding and the actual wedding day how absolutely blessed Chris and I are. We had so many people that were there for us as helping hands and encouragers! Here are a few photos. I don't have many but we're still waiting on the ones from our fantastic photographer too!
Being Mrs. Wescoat has been fun but busy! It's kinda funny how life goes! It definitely doesn't slow down so you can get used to being married it just keeps right on going. Especially since I married a baseball fanatic whose team went to the World Series! (Go Cardinals!) My job has also kept me very busy. My job is the most challenging job I've ever done and some times I love it and sometimes I... dont.
Our sweet little Dakota is still sweet but not quite so little. She is now 60 pounds (and not done growing!) and full of energy! I just love that little girl! It's great having her when Chris is gone over night at the station, she keeps me from getting to lonely.
She adores her "dad!" |
Well back to work it is! We don't have internet at home but I'm going to try to get back in to the habit of posting. I really want to keep at it and be able to have fun giveaways and advertisements on here to! So tell your friends! More pictures, scriptures, and crafts to come!
Be a blessing to someone today!
pinterest obsession.
Confession: I am a Pinterest Addict.
Seriously, I look at pins so often! There are so many awesome ideas!
Here are my top 3 DIY projects that I want to make right away!
How simple! Turn boring old vases and jars in to detailed, white "pottery." Found here |
Super cute and easy dog food container made from an old popcorn tin! found here |
I love this idea! I think it would be a perfect way to plan meals and incorporate new meals in! Found here |
Here are a few ideas that I have found for the wedding!
A whole collage of perfect baseball party ideas! So cute! Found here |
I love this photo! :) Unknown Source |
I finally found a guest book option that I LOVE! Yay! Now to see if Chris likes it and then find the perfect calendar! Found here |
Here are a few recipes that look "good enough to eat!"
Apple Nachos! Wow! Yum! Found here |
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Truffles! Hello Fall! Found here |
Frozen Hot Chocolate. Sounds delightful! Found here |
photo op.
I love taking pictures of the things that God has given us. Flowers, streams, baby birds, etc. I usually do a bit more of that during the summer but haven't really had the opportunity to much lately. Although, this week I have no desire to be out in the heat taking pictures. But here are a few of my favorite photos I've taken of God's beautiful creations!
quick post.
I'm waiting for my boss to get back from a meeting so here I am :)
seeing: the sunshine through the windows.
hearing: the music in the hallway playing. It's SO nice to work in a place with so many encouraging people
tasting: fresh brewed coffee, yes, please.
feeling: a bit overwhelmed, it is August 1st, ya know?
reading: not enough.
loving: the ample amount of time I've had with Chris lately
anticipating: the first day at my new job, two weeks.
making: lists of things that MUST be done soon
wishing: it wasn't quite so hot so I enjoyed long walks with Dakota a bit more.
August 1.
Today is the first day of August. This is significant to me for a few reasons.
First and foremost, that means I am getting married in two months! Yep, it true. Two months from today, I marry my best friend. Ah!
Secondly, that also means summer is almost gone. When did that happen and where did it go? I have really had a great summer. But... there were SO many things I wanted to do this summer. Even though I haven't felt busy I guess I have stayed fairly busy. My summer has been filled with working at Ridgecrest, visiting family, playing with our sweet puppy, and enjoying so much time just hanging out with Chris. Yep, that all does make for a great summer but if I would have made a list of things to do this summer it would have included:
- horseback riding
- weekend away with Kat (plus lots of other times with her too!)
- a lot of crafting
- refinishing projects for our future (soon!!) home
- working on wedding details galore
August 1 also means that two weeks from today I start my new job. I don't think I've ever been quite so nervous for a new job. I know it will be a great learning experience but I still feel like there are a lot of unknowns with it. Two weeks from today I will be in our classroom though.
This summer really has been good and it will continue to be. But now I have to go and get ready for work! I am so thankful for my job this summer! :)
These pictures are long overdue but I'd like you to meet our sweet little pup, Dakota. We've had her almost two months now and I adore her. She's growing like crazy and I just love cuddling her!
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She'll be filling this kennel quickly! |
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This was the day we got her. |
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Worn out on a walk! |
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Went out for ice cream with us. |
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Hanging out at Millie's house. |
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Terrified of Millie! ;) |
ice cream cake.
Last night I made dinner for Chris and bought stuff to make a dessert too. Neither of us really wanted ice cream by the time dinner and the Cardinals game was over so we didn't eat it. Although, it was a delicious breakfast! :)
So here is the simple, delicious recipe!
(I found a similar recipe on a blog not to long ago but I don't remember where it was!)
What you will need:
Ice cream sandwhichs (enough to cover the bottom or the dish you are using)
One container or CoolWhip
Chocolate Syrup
Caramel Syrup
King Size Candy bar of your choice
Yummy ingredients right?
Line the bottom of your dish with the ice cream sandwiches, I found some that were half chocolate and half vanilla (mm!). Then crumble half of the candy bar and sprinkle it over the ice cream. Drizzle both types of syrups. Add a layer of CoolWhip and then add another layer of the syrups and the candy bar crumbles. Freeze for a couple of hours and enjoy!
This was the easiest dessert and quite possible the yummiest too!
Sorry for my absence from blog world. I am planning on returning now. :)
marriage excitement.
I just posted a random, somewhat quirky post about my excitement for our wedding but even more than the excitement of the wedding I am excited for our marriage. I get to marry this handsome, funny, strong, and brilliant man and spend the rest of my life with him. "The rest of my life." Ah! I'm getting married! :)
Lately, I have been thinking so much about what kind of wife I will be. When I think about our marriage I want to be the wife from old tv shows. I want to clean house, have dinner ready when Chris gets home, have a fresh baked pie on the table (I've never made a pie), and be ready to sit at dinner and talk about our days. OK... Don't worry, this makes me laugh by even writing it but I'm really fairly serious with it all. I want to be that wife.
But MUCH more importantly, I want to be a Godly wife. I want Chris and I to be totally and completely focused on God, individually and together.
I found a really interesting blog. The author's husband is a minister and she wrote about being a Godly wife. I enjoyed the whole post but I enjoyed this quote especially. (Head over here to check out her blog, its definitely one I will be reading more often!)
Women were CREATED for their husband. God carefully chose us as gifts to them and them to us. We are called to be a helper to our man. This was God’s plan for us from the beginning.Please pray for me as I continue to dive in to scripture and some other books to learn more about what a Godly wife is. I would love to hear what you think or if you have suggestions on books or passages to read as well.
wedding excitement!
So, last time I wrote about the wedding my excitement was increasing but I was still a tad bit stressed about it all. But... the full fledged excitement has returned and I'm ready to get going on the planning! I am slowly checking off things on my to-do list.
- Start guest list
- Get jewelry!! :)
- Design invitations! I am in LOVE with these!
Ok.. so maybe I haven't been super productive but the ideas are flowing and I'm ready to actually start checking things off!
I have been really focused on the reception decor lately. I have a could ideas for centerpieces and some other little things so now I just need to make a commitment and start the buying so I can do whatever I can ahead of time! I also need to finish making the bridesmaid bouquets and the boutonnieres and corsages.. "Momma!!"
How about the ceremony decor? I have no clue! I am not a huge fan of the traditional candle abra but.. other ideas I have aren't really coming together in my head either. Except for one idea thats kinda floating around.. more to come on that, I'm sure!
I also have some ideas for the guestbook table and entrance. The ideas have potential to be something super cute! ;)
Have ya heard about our themed reception? Baseball! Ok, to clear this up.. No, I'm not an avid baseball fan but I love the theme and I'm super excited about it! Chris is a HUGE Cardinals fan and I think he's pretty pleased with the theme! I'm moving in just 3 days and I'll be living about 20 minutes from him and so not only am I excited to be close to him just in general, I'm excited to work on wedding stuff together, as a cute couple, because I think we are pretty dang cute!
I've been working on our website off and on. It's exciting to think about all of the people who will be coming to celebrate with us as we start our lives together! Ok, theres a not-so-quick-update on the wedding planning. Hopefully I can start really checking things off the "list" soon!
125 Days! Woohoo!
125 Days! Woohoo!
DIY Projects!
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My summer DIY look! ;) |
Summer has officially begun! Friday was our last day at school. Totally bittersweet because I truly did love my job and my students but I am excited for the things that are coming up this summer as well! This weekend has been a great one! Friday evening, I met Chris to take him his EMT pants so he would have them when he went to volunteer in Joplin. My heart is still so broken for the people in Joplin and thankful to all of those who have helped in any way! Saturday we did a little bit of house work, hit up some garage sales (no luck!), went to a flea market (bought an ugly mirror!), and joined some great friends for a BBQ!
So.. about that ugly mirror! I had actually been looking for a bedside table to refinish or even some other furniture for my apartment this summer and Chris and my future home (I'm gonna have to write a whole other post talking about the excitement about that!). But all I found was this ugly mirror for $8.00.
{click on any picture to see it larger!}
{click on any picture to see it larger!}
In progress...
The finished product... :)
Stay tuned to see more DIYing with this old dresser!
Plus its always nice to have a little helper on these projects! :)
planning for the "big" day!
When I first started blogging I had it in my mind that it would be so fun to blog when I was engaged to talk wedding stuff all the time. Obviously, that has not happened. I would like to say I've been so busy doing meaningful things but unfortunately I can't say that I have. Although, I don't feel like I have had much free time.
You see, after the initial shock and excitement of getting to marry my sweet man the planning took a quick halt! I don't like making decisions. I definitelydon't like struggled with everyone looking at me and saying "it's your wedding, it's whatever YOU want!" But I suppose I've got over that and I'm getting busy with this planning!
The stuff that only pertains to me has been EASY! My dress, shoes, jewelry, and possible veil were all quick and easy decisions! I bought the first dress I tried on and still am in absolutely love! I haven't put it back on yet but I'm just waiting for my jewelry to come in. These decisions were easy because I didn't feel like they really effected anyone else, those are the kind I don't mind making!
But in the last few weeks I have picked the bridesmaid dresses and purchased the sweet flower girl dresses! I can't wait to see our precious flower girls in the little dresses! I also purchased flowers for my bouquet and the bridesmaids! I worked on my bouquet, its not perfect but I am loving it! Sorry for the poor picture quality, you'd think I'd use my awesome Nikon but the iPhone was more convenient to snap a quick pic of this.
So, I've got my attire and bouquet {close to} done. I'm ready to get married! :)
We've also "booked" our officiant, checked out tuxes (I can't wait to see Chris all dressed up and looking snazzy!), started purchasing/collecting things for centerpieces, and I'm beginning to work on the invitations Woohoo! Here are a couple little things I've worked on to put on tables or something... Can you guess what our reception theme will be?
I am so excited for all of the ideas to come together and see the final product! 137 days 'til we say "I do!"
Ok, I'm also excited cause I just got off the phone for a second interview for a Para job for the Fall! :)
Hopefully, I'll get back to blogging, I really do enjoy it so much!! :)
Oh! I almost forgot... check out our wedding website! Heres the link! Make sure to sign the guestbook too!
You see, after the initial shock and excitement of getting to marry my sweet man the planning took a quick halt! I don't like making decisions. I definitely
The stuff that only pertains to me has been EASY! My dress, shoes, jewelry, and possible veil were all quick and easy decisions! I bought the first dress I tried on and still am in absolutely love! I haven't put it back on yet but I'm just waiting for my jewelry to come in. These decisions were easy because I didn't feel like they really effected anyone else, those are the kind I don't mind making!
But in the last few weeks I have picked the bridesmaid dresses and purchased the sweet flower girl dresses! I can't wait to see our precious flower girls in the little dresses! I also purchased flowers for my bouquet and the bridesmaids! I worked on my bouquet, its not perfect but I am loving it! Sorry for the poor picture quality, you'd think I'd use my awesome Nikon but the iPhone was more convenient to snap a quick pic of this.
So, I've got my attire and bouquet {close to} done. I'm ready to get married! :)
We've also "booked" our officiant, checked out tuxes (I can't wait to see Chris all dressed up and looking snazzy!), started purchasing/collecting things for centerpieces, and I'm beginning to work on the invitations Woohoo! Here are a couple little things I've worked on to put on tables or something... Can you guess what our reception theme will be?
I am so excited for all of the ideas to come together and see the final product! 137 days 'til we say "I do!"
Ok, I'm also excited cause I just got off the phone for a second interview for a Para job for the Fall! :)
Hopefully, I'll get back to blogging, I really do enjoy it so much!! :)
Oh! I almost forgot... check out our wedding website! Heres the link! Make sure to sign the guestbook too!
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