Have I mentioned that I am just a bit excited to become a Momma! I bought some maternity clothes today (thanks to my wonderful in-laws for the birthday money!!) and it made me even more excited to be pregnant and get a big ol' belly! Not to mention I found some steals on clothes. I found a few shirts (one was brand new) and a pair of jeans at Goodwill and got a few more things from clearance racks at Target! I had been saying that I didn't want to spend money on maternity clothes and I would just make my stuff work for as long as possible but my pants especially were already getting pretty uncomfortable and I'll need work clothes before the end of the school year anyways.. ok enough justifying spending the money. ;)
I have been researching more and more on cloth diapers and I am getting excited about them too! I've been interested in them long before I got pregnant but now I'm really learning about them and the benefits of using them. My friend Kassie from
Mommy to a little lady[bug] is going to make me a couple to really look at and I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to sew my own! I've been really looking into the cost efficiency of using cloth diapers and it is kind of bind blowing! Especially if I'm able to eventually make my own! Any tips on cloth diapers or suggestions? Please let me know!
Here are a few of the diapers I think are just too cute! All found on
sew is your baby!
We're 17 weeks today! I'm so ready for the 29th to be here, the day we finally get to find out if the little one is a boy or girl! I'm definitely back to wanting a boy and Chris is just certain it will be! I was reading today that at 17 weeks unborn babies have their own set of fingerprints already. WOW, isn't God just amazing? I like to sit around and think about all the things that Baby Wescoat will accomplish in life but more than anything I can't stop thinking about holding him or her for the first time.
What have you been up to this wonderful weekend? It's been kinda chilly here in Missouri but it was still such a pretty weekend!
I'll be sure to take a photo of the new maternity clothes tomorrow! I'm pretty excited because they definitely accent the bump! Here's the most recent bump photo! I just happened to be taken on 80s day at school! :)
Everyone in our classroom had quite a bit of fun! |
cute blog! congrats on the upcoming baby! Found you through booty buns giveaway. Following you :)
Cute blog!
I also found you through the booty buns giveaway!
I love cloth diapering and I would recommend not wasting money on used diapers. I have not had good luck with them working properly.
I am looking forward to learning how to sew my own diapers too. First I have to find the time! It's not so easy with a 2 year old and 3 month old. :)
Check out my blog at www.adventuresincraziness.wordpress.com
We used cloth diapers for awhile. I was really into them and my parents and family bought me a bunch of the BumGenius brand. I would highly recommend using the brands with snaps and not velcro. You really have to be careful with velcro when you wash it (close the tabs as much as possible) or it'll wear out and not work anymore.
I stopped using them because one, I was super busy and didn't have the time to properly take care of them. Two, it was really messy. If you use them, I recommend a sprayer that attaches to your toilet (we have one and so does the blog, Young House Love, which actually shows you step by step instructions that were identical to us I believe). Three, they didn't seem to hold everything Lily would produce. I've since heard of using extra liners (ones that are semi-disposible - as you in you can use them again and again until they get nasty), but I didn't know that at the time. Four - daycare wouldn't use them, so we had to buy disposibles for her time there. Five - some of the diapers were too tight on her chunky legs and I got super mad - but they would be big on her skinny belly. Six, and the most important one, she developed a small rash that didn't appear with disposible diapers. It was weird. It should have been the other way around, but there was something about them. Anyway, we switched and I hate spending the money on stuff I'll just throw away, but it happens. I will say that if you buy disp. diapers, go to Sams. By far the cheapest!!! It's worth a membership fee for diaper stuff alone - diapers and wipes - the food I didn't find any cheaper than at Walmart, except for formula - Sams is the way to go!!
Good luck!!! I know your super excited!
HI! Great blog and Congrats on your pregnancy. You look adorable with your little baby bump! I too had an fun time shopping for maternity clothes. I remember putting on the panel pants and thinking there was NO WAY my stomach could ever get that big, well it did, lol. I also began to realize how comfy maternity clothes are and thought "um, why don't ALL clothing companies make clothes this comfy!?!?!"
About the cloth- you will LOVE it. You are doing it the right way, by researching all you can while pregnant. This is what I did and felt that I was a "pro" even before our daughter was born and CD'ing seemed easy instead of overwhelming. I second the post above about buying the snaps. The velcro might be "easier" and "quicker" in the beginning, but eventually the velcro can wear out and yes, you get a crazy "diaper chain" in the wash if just one part of the velcro tab sticks out. Sometimes when baby gets older, they can figure out how to undo the velcro. That being said, you might LOVE it, so my second piece of advice..... but a few different types (velcro AND snap to try them out) and buy a few different styles (AIO, AI2, Pocket, Prefolds/Covers etc) to see which ones you will like. You don't have to buy a ton of each, just one or two to start out. You might be surprised to find that they diaper you thought would be your "go to diaper" turns out to be the one you use the least when baby gets here. :)
Last piece of advice. TAKE CARE OF YOUR DIAPERS!!!! That means NO diaper rash cream or laundry soap that is not cloth diaper approved. Read ingredients in these things carefully. Some people thing "oh, I'll just throw some desitin on one time and it will be fine" Even casual use of some products can ruin the absorbency of your diapers and that would be sad! :(
Good luck momma- if you ever have any questions, feel free to email me through our store, I'm always happy to help! Have a wonderful rest of your pregnancy and an easy labor.
~Nicole from Tummy 2 Bummy Diapers :)
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